Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de weave

to weavetejer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I weaveyo tejo
you weavetú tejes
he weavesél teje
she weavesella teje
we weavenosotros tejemos
you weavevosotros tejéis
they weaveellos tejen
they weaveellas tejen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I woveyo tejí
you wovetú tejiste
he woveél tejió
she woveella tejió
we wovenosotros tejimos
you wovevosotros tejisteis
they woveellos tejieron
they woveellas tejieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have weavedyo he tejido
you have weavedtú has tejido
he has weavedél ha tejido
she has weavedella ha tejido
we have weavednosotros hemos tejido
you have weavedvosotros habéis tejido
they have weavedellos han tejido
they have weavedellas han tejido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had weavedyo había tejido
you had weavedtú habías tejido
he had weavedél había tejido
she had weavedella había tejido
we had weavednosotros habíamos tejido
you had weavedvosotros habíais tejido
they had weavedellos habían tejido
they had weavedellas habían tejido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will weaveyo tejeré
you will weavetú tejerás
he will weaveél tejerá
she will weaveella tejerá
we will weavenosotros tejeremos
you will weavevosotros tejeréis
they will weaveellos tejerán
they will weaveellas tejerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have weavedyo habré tejido
you will have weavedtú habrás tejido
he will have weavedél habrá tejido
she will have weavedella habrá tejido
we will have weavednosotros habremos tejido
you will have weavedvosotros habréis tejido
they will have weavedellos habrán tejido
they will have weavedellas habrán tejido

I would weaveyo tejería
you would weavetú tejerías
he would weaveél tejería
she would weaveella tejería
we would weavenosotros tejeríamos
you would weavevosotros tejeríais
they would weaveellos tejerían
they would weaveellas tejerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have weavedyo habría tejido
you would have weavedtú habrías tejido
he would have weavedél habría tejido
she would have weavedella habría tejido
we would have weavednosotros habríamos tejido
you would have weavedvosotros habríais tejido
they would have weavedellos habrían tejido
they would have weavedellas habrían tejido

Participio presenteAnotado
weaving tejiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
weaved tejido

Más verbos

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